America’s Safest Companies 2016: Ryan Incorporated Central
Safety is 24/7 at Ryan Incorporated Central. In fact, employees know that they can go to the company's safety professionals and ask them about safety concerns surrounding off-work activities. The company encourages them to use the safety professionals as resources.
“Our company mantra is ‘Safety 24/7.' We want our employees to think safety both on and off the job. Our safety staff helps [employees] evaluate the need and safest approach to accomplishing work at home. This approach promotes the consistent use of PPE when the hazards can't be eliminated," said Jeff Schultz, corporate safety officer for Ryan Incorporated Central.
[Download the complete set of articles about America's Safest Companies 2016]
The company tracks and verifies the efficacy of its safety efforts through various methods, including:
- On a weekly, monthly and annual basis, the company summarizes and communicates safety-related activities corporate-wide. Safety incidents, best practices, performance information and lessons learned are shared with all employees.
- The company conducts regular project site safety audits and reviews.
- New employees are mentored and receive feedback after their initial orientation. They are paired with a senior superintendent, who serves as their mentor. They are interviewed throughout the construction season for any concerns, questions or ideas for improvement.
- Leading indicators – including job safety analysis and weekly toolbox safety meetings – are tracked.
Annual performance reviews include safety performance. Employees are evaluated on any incidents that occurred and on their completion of incident prevention activities, such as pre-construction meetings, JSAs and toolbox safety meetings.
The company also tracks traditional lagging indicators, such as injuries and illnesses, days away and losses related to safety failures.
“We are a privately held business," said Schultz. “When you work at Ryan Incorporated Central, you are part of that family. We want our employees to go home to their families the same or better than when they arrive at work each and every day. By investing in training and the appropriate tools, we do our best to ensure those employed at this company are prepared and equipped to identify and eliminate or control the hazards of our work environment."
The concern for safety 24/7 extends to contractors as well, he added. “We aren't afraid to make difficult decisions. If we have employees or subcontractors that don't or can't measure up and meet our needs, we are willing to make a change. If we can't do our work safely, then we don't do the work, even when it could be good for us financially."
Ryan Incorporate CentralJanesville, Wisc.Mass Grading and Excavation
500 employees Offices –
Multiple Project Sites
2 EHS professionals