The lead in construction standard requires testing for lead exposures, medical monitoring of exposed workers and contains provisions to protect workers from exposure where lead is present. OSHA is conducting its regulatory review of the lead in construction standard under Section 610 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act and Section 5 of Executive Order 12866.
The longer comment period will allow the public more time to help the agency determine if the standard is needed and if it should be amended. The original deadline for comments was Sept. 6.
The construction industry employs millions of workers in jobs where lead exposures are most likely to occur such as paint removal, building and bridge renovation, plumbing and water system repair and replacement. Overexposure to lead can cause serious damage to the body's blood-forming, nervous, urinary and reproductive systems.
OSHA's lead in construction standard establishes procedures for minimizing the level of exposure to lead for all workers covered. People wishing to comment should submit written comments, postmarked no later than Nov. 7, to: Docket Office, Docket No. H023, Technical Data Center, Room N-2625, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C., 20210. Comments may also be faxed to (202) 693-1648, or submitted online at or
All comments and submissions will be available for inspection and copying at the OSHA Docket Office at the above address, and posted on OSHA's Web site.