Six alleged serious and two alleged repeat safety violations were found during an OSHA inspection that began Jan. 30. The company employs about 12 workers.
The alleged serious violations include failing to protect employees on scaffolds from overhead hazards; failing to protect employees in hoisting areas from fall hazards; failing to guard against open floor holes and protruding steel and failing to provide respirators to control harmful dust from concrete saws. A serious violation is one that could cause death or serious physical harm to employees and the employer knew or should have known of the hazard.
The company was also cited with alleged repeat violations for failing to protect employees on scaffolds from fall hazards and failing to train employees who work on scaffolds from potential hazards. A repeat violation is one in which the employer has been cited during the past three years for substantial similar infractions of the law.
The company has 15 working days from receipt of the citations to comply, request an informal conference with the area director or to contest the citations before the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission.