Coffee warmers used by workers in Dunkin' Donuts shops may be improperly grounded as installed, exposing the employees to possible electric shock, OSHA warns.
OSHA issued a Hazard Information Bulletin (HIB) following reported incidents involving employees at Dunkin' Donuts shops in Quincy and Springfield, Mass.
The HIB notes that the metal face plate for the on/off toggle switch on electric hotplates (Model H-006) manufactured by Wells Manufacturing Co., Verdi, Nev., may not be grounded when installed in numerous Dunkin' Donuts shops.
In July, two employees reported receiving electric shocks at a shop in Quincy. Another injury that may be related to the hotplate reportedly occurred this fall at a second shop in Springfield.
The local OSHA office investigated, issuing citations for four serious violations of electrical safety standards with proposed penalties totaling $2,850, which have been paid.
Both Allied Domecq Retailing USA, parent company of Dunkin' Donuts, and Wells Manufacturing are taking steps to correct the situation.