To help reduce fatalities and injuries in highway construction areas, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the American Traffic Safety Services Association and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) devoted April 3-7 to highway workers.
In the past decade, more than 8,000 fatalities have been reported in work zones.
The actual number of fatalities is believed to be higher due to inconsistent reporting procedures. In 1998 alone, there were 772 fatalities and more than 37,000 work zone injuries.
Fatalities and injuries affect both workers and the traveling public.
ATSSA, AASHTO and FHWA believe that increased worker training and enhanced awareness on the part of motorists and work zone workers will lead to a reduction of fatalities and injuries for both.
"Roadway work zones are a way of life in every community across America. Motorists need to be aware of them and the workers within them," said ATSSA Executive Director Roger A. Wentz. "If drivers would simply slow to posted speed limits in work zones, disengage from distracting activities such as cellular phone usage, and be aware of the workers, countless lives would be saved."
For more information on Work Zone Safety Week go to