The Voluntary Protection Programs Participants' Association (VPPPA) offers the new Directory of Best Practices 2000 that contains program descriptions of companies that were noted for their outstanding best practices in OSHA VPP evaluation reports.
The list was created by the VPPPA to assist those interested in participating in the VPP, or looking to make improvements for recertification, to gain insight from OSHA's on-site comments about other companies that have gone through the review process.
The site contacts listed in the directory have consented to be listed and may be contacted for more information regarding the program under which their facility is listed.
Some of the program categories included are accident investigation, ergonomics, incentive programs, process safety management and training.
The Directory of Best Practices 2000 is a limited edition published annually by the VPPPA.
Copies can be purchased online at or by calling (703) 761-1146.
Prices for the directory are $25 for non-members, and for VPPPA members, the first copy is free and all additional copies are $15.
The Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP), administered by OSHA, federal and several state plan states, and the Department of Energy, are a cooperative effort among labor, management and government.
Acceptance into the VPP requires safety and health programs that exceed agency safety and health standards.
Sites participating in the VPP have overall lost workday rates of 50 percent below the industry average.
More than 500 U.S. worksites are VPP participants, and greater than three-quarters of a million workers in the United States are directly impacted by VPP.