"Cooperation among labor, management and OSHA is vital to ensure the safety and health of workers on a large and complex construction project," said John L. Henshaw, assistant U.S. secretary of labor for occupational safety and health. "This partnership is an important step in making sure these workers go home safe and healthy at the end of the day."
The Joint Venture provides management services for the construction of the new 1.1 million-square-foot, baseball-only park featuring a natural grass and dirt field 23 feet below street level. Driscoll/Hunt's role is to administer and coordinate construction contractors, including compliance with environmental, health and safety practices.
"In a partnership, OSHA enters into an extended, voluntary, cooperative relationship with groups of employers, employees and employee representatives," Phyllis Kyner, OSHA's Philadelphia area director, explained. "The goals are to encourage, assist, and recognize efforts to eliminate serious hazards and to achieve a high level of worker safety and health."