Along with gift buying, house decorating and caroling by the fire comes a host of holiday hazards, including theft.
"At this time of year, we typically see an increase in theft claims by burglars looking specifically for expensive presents they can appropriate for themselves," said Ronald A. Paice, vice president for Property Claims, at The Hartford Financial Services Group.
If you plan to leave your home to celebrate with family and friends, consider the following home security suggestions.
- If you are going away overnight or for a number of days, do not let your house look empty.
- Put lights and stereo systems on timers that can turn appliances on and off at set times.
- Stop newspaper and mail delivery.
- Ask a friend or trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your house and pick up any packages that might be delivered.
- Consider buying yourself a present, such as a security system or new locks if your house is not already equipped with deadbolt door locks.
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