ASSE President Mark D. Hansen, PE, CSP, attributed the increased attendance to the PDC committee, which was lead by Richard Pollock.
"They put together a program targeted to the needs of our members, providing them with what they need for today and for tomorrow, and arming the attendees with the skills and knowledge to succeed in their profession and to continue to protect people, property and the environment."
In other news, ASSE elected a new slate of officers for 2003-4. Effective July 1, James "Skipper" Kendrick, CSP, will succeed Mark D. Hansen as president of the organization. Kendrick is manager of industrial safety and hygiene for Bell Helicopter, A Textron Co. He holds a BS in Industrial Technology, with a safety option, from Louisiana State University. He has been an active member of ASSE for 23 years. He was recognized as the 2000 ASSE Edgar Monsanto Queeny Safety Professional of the Year (SPY) and has been recognized as SPY of local and regional chapters.
New ASSE president-elect Gene Barfield, CSP, is the corporate director for safety, health and environmental services for Danos and Curole Marine Contractors. Barfield has been a professional ASSE member since 1981 and has served as an ASSE Foundation trustee. He received numerous awards, including the U.S. Department of Interior, Minerals Management Service Corporate Leadership Award; the ASSE Chapter and region SPY awards; the Edgar Monsanto Queeny SPY award in 1993; and in 1999 was honored by ASSE as a Society Fellow.
The new senior vice president is Jack H. Dobson Jr., CSP, who is the senior vice president of Safety & Health Associates Ltd. Richard C. Nugent, CSP, is vice president of Finance for ASSE and vice president and general manager of environmental, safety, health and quality assurance for Bechtel-BWXT. The new vice president for Professional Affairs in Rixio E. Medina, CSP, CPP, manager of corporate health, safety and security for CITGO Petroleum Corp.