Employees are safer on-the-job than off-the-job. That is the theme of a forward-looking plenary session to be presented at the National Safety Council''s Congress & Expo in Atlanta this month.
Employee deaths occurring at the workplace number 5,100 annually while those occurring off-the-job number 40,600.
Off-the-job disabling injuries also outnumber those in the workplace nearly 2 to 1. These numbers point to significant financial impacts felt by employers across the country.
Dr. Bob Arnot, chief medical correspondent at NBC News, will join Carol A. Palmiotto, director of safety, health and environment at DuPont Dow Elastomers, and Alan Hoskin, National Safety Council manager of statistics, on Tuesday, Sept. 25 at 1:30 p.m., for a discussion of how promoting off-the-job safety can protect employees and improve the bottom line for American employers.
The off-the-job safety session is among six sessions dealing with issues like ergonomics, transportation safety, employee safety responsibility, OSHA recordkeeping, safety incentives and barriers to communicating safety messages.
Congress & Expo 2001 also offers 145 comprehensive and targeted technical sessions chaired by experienced professionals with the latest "insider" information.
Along with the technical sessions, divisions of the council meet at Congress & Expo to discuss today''s most pressing issues in health and safety.
With more than 800 national and international vendors, the 2001 Expo is the place attendees can go to see the latest safety, health and environmental products and services.
More in-depth training for safety professionals is also available on-site before
and after Congress & Expo through the council''s Professional Development Seminars.
For more information on Congress & Expo 2001, visit NSC''s Web site at www.appcluster05.com/nsc2001splash.cfm.
by Virginia Foran