Joe Domino, president and chief executive officer of Entergy Texas, will speak to more than 2,000 safety, health and environmental leaders at the annual National Voluntary Protection Programs Participants'' Association (VPPPA) Conference next month in New Orleans.
The conference will be held Aug. 27-30, at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside.
Domino will share his views on how Entergy achieved VPP recognition and the role the program plays within the corporate safety and health culture.
Currently, the company has three facilities recognized as OSHA Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Star sites and three more pursuing VPP applications.
"We are delighted to have Mr. Domino as a featured speaker," said VPPPA Executive Director Lee Anne Jillings. "The VPP encompasses a wide variety of industries and it is important to share the EHS best practices developed by top safety performers who have successfully balanced high production demands with safety concerns."
Domino joined Gulf States Utilities in 1970 as a planning engineer, later becoming a plant manager and then general manager -- production, responsible for oversight of all Gulf States Utilities'' fossil-fueled generation assets.
Following the merger with Entergy in 1994, Domino was appointed director, Southern Region Fossil Plants.
A year later, the company assigned him to a similar post over the Eastern Region plants.
In June 1997, he was asked to direct Entergy''s distribution operations in Texas and Southwest Louisiana. In October 1998, he was named to his current role as president and chief executive officer of Entergy Texas.
For more information about the VPPPA Conference, visit the VPPPA online at
by Virginia Sutcliffe