Manufacturing Company Penalized $114,300 for Willful and Serious Safety Violations
OSHA inspectors found a variety of workplace safety violations at Durable Inc., a metal container manufacturing plant. The penalty and OSHA citations are based on an inspection initiated in April 2004, following a complaint.
"Strong enforcement is a key part of this administration's efforts to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses," said U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao. "The significant penalty of $114,300 in this case demonstrates our commitment to protecting the health and safety of American workers."
Specifically, OSHA issued citations for 16 alleged serious violations and one alleged willful violation of federal workplace safety and health regulations. Serious violations included allegations of a wide range of hazards associated with machine guarding and accidental operation, as well as the lack of specific training. The alleged willful violation charged the company with failing to provide training so that employees fully understood the function and purpose of the energy control program.
The company has 15 working days from receipt of the citations to appeal before the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission.