The Michigan Department of Consumer & Industry Services (CIS) awarded 17 Safety Education and Training (SET) Grants totaling $850,000 to promote workplace safety and health.
"Michigan''s track record in employment growth the last five years has been astounding," said CIS Director Kathleen Wilbur. "As we continue to lead the nation in employment, these grants will help CIS strengthen our track record in protecting the safety and health of Michigan workers."
The SET grant program is part of the CIS Bureau of Safety and Regulation, which is responsible for administering the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act (MIOSHA).
The MIOSHA program is aimed at increasing workplace safety and health by helping employers and employees meet occupational health and safety standards.
The grants are awarded on a competitive basis to management groups, labor organizations, and not-for-profit organizations, such as universities, hospitals and services agencies.
Many of the grants will focus on the five high-hazard industries identified by the MIOSHA strategic plan: construction; nursing and personal care facilities; metal forging and stamping manufacturers; fabricated structural metal products companies; and the meat products industry.
Other grants include: safety and health training for young workers, ergonomics programs, workplace violence, hazard recognition and safety awareness training.
The programs will develop educational materials and provide training on a wide range of safety and health services.
For example, Associated General Contractors will provide onsite training on health issues in the construction industry. In addition, they will develop a Construction Health Newsletter which will be distributed to top managers and safety directors to alert them to health problems within the industry.
Michigan Health and Hospital Association will use the grant money to continue to implement an ergonomics-related prevention program tailored to individual nursing and personal care facilities. The project, which will focus on back injuries, will also be designed to address shoulder strain, carpal tunnel syndrome and pinched nerves.
"These SET grants showcase exciting partnerships which will provide valuable tools to employers and workers to help reduce workplace injuries and illnesses," said Bureau of Safety and Regulation Director Doug Earle.
by Virginia Sutcliffe