CTI has begun collecting data for its sixth annual Shiftwork Practices Survey. Responses will be gathered through June 30, with the complete report scheduled for release in September 2003. All facility, division and corporate managers who complete the new Shiftwork Practices Survey will receive a free 3-month subscription to the Managing 24/7 newsletter as well as a summary of the 2003 survey results.
The Shiftwork Practices Survey is the only comprehensive assessment of 24/7 management practices in North America and Europe. Each year, the survey identifies trends in shiftwork management practices, including scheduling, pay, overtime, employee benefits, safety records, training programs and workforce health.
The recently-released 2002 Shiftwork Practices survey found actions taken during the 2001-2002 economic recession significantly challenged 24/7 operations, stretching staffing levels to dangerously low levels and placing employees at an increased risk for accidents, injuries, and performance errors. You can read about the 2002 survey in the Occupationalhazards.com article "American Workforce is Overworked and Undersupported."
In upcoming months, CTI will release three supplementary studies based on the 2002 Shiftwork Practices Survey. These reports will provide a more in-depth assessment and analysis of the more general results presented in the full study. Topics will include: Napping Policies in 24/7 Operations, Schedule Implementation Practices and Human Resources Support for Shiftworking Employees.
For more information about CTI's annual Shiftwork Practices Survey, contact Dr. Kirsty Kerin at 781-676-6911 or [email protected]. To complete the 2003 survey questionnaire, please visit www.circadian.com/practices.