General Motors (GM) received a Significant Improvement Award for occupational safety and health from the National Safety Council (NSC).
The award was presented on the basis of 1999 data submitted for GM''s U.S. manufacturing operations. According to the NSC, the award was earned, "for significantly reducing the operation''s 1999 incident rates as compared to a combination of the 1996 to 1998 incident rates for its own record and that of the industry."
In all categories measured, GM significantly exceeded improvement standards by significant numbers.
"We are gratified by this significant award by the NSC, which recognizes the commitment that we at General Motors have made to making health and safety of our employees a No. 1 priority," said Gary Cowger, GM group vice president. "More importantly, achieving this award recognizes the tremendous progress that we have made in safety working closely in partnership with the United Autoworkers (UAW) union."
UAW and GM have an extensive, joint health and safety program in all U.S. facilities represented by the UAW. The contractually established program is administered by the UAW-GM Health and Safety Center in Auburn Hills, Mich.
The health and safety center is part of the UAW-GM Center for Human Resources, which operates a variety of joint programs and activities focused on health and safety, training and skill development, employee educational opportunities, work and family issues, and product quality.
GM''s total incident rates of death and cases involving days away from work for 1999 was 0.61. That is compared to a 1.93 incident rate for the motor vehicle parts and accessory industry''s injury rates for 1996 to 1998.
by Virginia Sutcliffe