"Along with expanding the reach of the current newsletter, ISEA plans to reorient the editorial content of Protection Update to emphasize the importance of purchasing and using personal protective equipment and other forms of safety equipment that conform to government and consensus standards," said Dan Shipp of ISEA.
Beginning in February 2005, Protection Update will be published as a special four-color section within OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS magazine. As a result, circulation of Protection Update will be increased from approximately 5,000 to more than 65,000 readers in manufacturing, construction and government. The quarterly section will also appear in April, July and October. Protection Update will be published in both the print and digital editions of OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS. In addition, OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS will create a new section on its Web site, Occupationalhazards.com, that will contain the content from Protection Update.
Along with expanding the reach of the current newsletter, ISEA plans to reorient the editorial content of Protection Update to emphasize the importance of purchasing and using PPE and other forms of safety equipment that conform to government and consensus standards.
"We are very pleased to be selected by ISEA to publish Protection Update and to present it to a wider audience," said OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS Publisher Rob Howlett. "For more than 65 years, OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS has emphasized the vital role that personal protective equipment plays in the protection of America's workers. Publishing Protection Update offers us a new opportunity to support the safety equipment industry and its efforts to improve occupational safety and health."
OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS will offer ISEA members an enhanced opportunity to sponsor the Protection Update section with its expanded circulation. Sponsorships will provide ISEA members with an integrated marketing opportunity that consists of print and online advertising.
The sponsorship program will also have important benefits for ISEA beyond the circulation increase of Protection Update, noted John DiPaola, Penton Media vice president and group publisher of OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS. "We will be donating to ISEA a portion of the revenue from sponsorships of Protection Update to be used for safety education and other programs supported by the association."