Recognize Workers to Encourage PPE Acceptance

Oct. 1, 2007
Recognizing workers who have been saved from serious injuries by wearing their personal protective equipment (PPE) or who have used safety equipment to

Recognizing workers who have been saved from serious injuries by wearing their personal protective equipment (PPE) or who have used safety equipment to save the lives of others is an excellent way to laud their responsible behavior while encouraging their co-workers to use safety equipment when needed.

International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) member companies and other organizations have established a number of programs to provide this well-deserved recognition. Here are descriptions of seven such programs and how to obtain more information about them:

  • Bullard's “Turtle Club,” founded in 1946, honors men and women who have escaped injury because they were wearing hard hats at the time of industrial accidents. Supervisors or safety directors may nominate individuals for membership. Each new member receives a hard hat, certificate, membership card and Turtle Club pin and decal.

  • Mine Safety Appliance Co.'s (MSA's) “Gold Helmet Award,” which also recognizes employees who were “saved” by MSA helmets or any competitive helmets. Employers fill out a form available on MSA's website. The award consists of a gold V-Gard® cap; a mounted, personalized certificate, and a gold V-Gard lapel pin or tie tack. For more information, visit or contact Eric Buzard, 412-967-3313.

  • Bullard also has a program in the firefighting market called the “Save-a-Life Club.” Firefighters who use Bullard thermal imagers to save the life of a firefighter or civilian are recognized in the form of an individual award for each of the involved firefighters, as well as an award for the department. Bullard also sends a representative to personally present the awards and coordinates a press release and press conference. Visit or contact Brad Harvey, 859-234-6616.

  • Bullard maintains a similar program for the law enforcement market called S.O.A.R (Save or Apprehension Recognition), which recognizes police officers who utilize thermal imagers to apprehend a felon or to save the life of an officer or civilian. The program is implemented much the same as the Save-a-Life Club, with individual and department awards as well as an on-site presentation and publicity. Visit or contact Harvey.

  • Capital Safety recognizes workers who have fallen while wearing DBI-SALA or Protecta fall protection with its Life Member Award. A bronze-like statue and replacement equipment are presented to recognize him/her for putting safety first. The statue shows a worker wearing a harness and lanyard, and includes an engraved plate with the worker's name, date and the acknowledgement “DBI-SALA and Protecta Life Member — Recognized for Putting Safety First.” Capital Safety has presented 26 awards since the program began in 2004. Visit or call 800-328-6146.

  • The “MSA Fall Protection Promise” program replaces any MSA harness and/or textile lanyard free of charge if a user falls while properly using the equipment. If the fall occurs while using an MSA mechanical fall-protection device, the company will recertify the device free of charge. Products should be returned with a signed copy of the accident report to MSA, Attn: Product Line Manager, 1100 Cranberry Woods Drive, Cranberry Township, PA 16066-5204. For more information, contact Joseph Feldstein, 303-922-6246 or [email protected].

Apart from ISEA members, Prevent Blind-ness America's (PBA's) “Wise Owl” program recognizes workers whose sight has been saved by wearing protective eyewear during potentially blinding accidents. Members pay a minimal annual membership fee and receive a packet including program information, posters, a case study book detailing Wise Owl individual member eye safety stories, and a membership certificate.

Members also receive incident reports that they can submit to PBA detailing how safety eyewear protected employees from potential injury. Upon receiving a report, PBA sends along a certificate, which a safety supervisor can present to an employee for being smart about eye safety. Currently, Wise Owl has more than 600 corporate, municipal and technical school chapters. Visit or contact Christine Bradley, 800-331-2020, for more information.



(Look for garments from ISEA members that meet ANSI/ISEA 101 — 1996 (R2002) — American National Standard for Limited-Use and Disposable Coveralls — Size and Labeling Requirements, or ANSI/ISEA 107 — 2004 — American National Standard for High-Visibility Safety Apparel and Headwear), or ANSI/ISEA 207-2006 — American National Standard for High Visibility Public Safety Vests)…

From Draeger Safety Inc. (800-615-5503 or are the:

  • Draeger-CMS Emergency Response Kit, which automatically measures hazardous gases that may be present in any emergency. Gas levels typically are analyzed in about one to two minutes. CMS chips included are ammonia, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, chlorine, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen sulfide, nitrous gases, perchloroethylene, petroleum hydrocarbons and toluene.

  • HazMat Simultest Kit designed primarily for the municipal fire service and other emergency responders. The kit quickly identifies and quantifies a wide range of toxic industrial chemicals (TICs) in less than five minutes. The kit includes three Simultaneous Test Set Kits for measuring 15 commonly found organic and inorganic chemicals and/or chemical families, the company said, adding that it comes complete with all necessary accessories in a rugged case.

  • UCF 1600 and 3200 thermal imaging cameras, which the company says are suitable for use in the harshest operating environments; the cameras are protected against heat, water and dust, as well as major shocks and inhospitable temperatures. The camera provides clear, detailed images in smoke-filled fire-fighting environments, the company said, adding that the UCF 3200 has advanced, higher-resolution (320 × 240 pixels) resulting in a more detailed image and providing a larger field of view.

  • Oxy K Plus Self-Contained Self-Rescuer (SCSR) Training Simulator, which is designed to provide the trainee with a realistic concept of what it is like to wear an SCSR and experience its unique characteristics. Because SCSRs need to generate oxygen and provide the user with a safe breathing atmosphere, they generate heat and create breathing resistance, the company said, noting that the ability to duplicate this environment is an advantage when training personnel on how to use an SCSR.

From Ergodyne (800-255-8238 or is CORE Performance Work Wear, which is designed specifically for the skilled tradesperson. The multi-layered system is built on advanced materials and treatments, which help workers manage moisture, increase their visibility, control temperature, reduce ultraviolet exposure and impede bacteria growth, the company said, adding that together these features enhance job safety, performance and comfort.

From Jackson Safety (636-717-6600 or is a newly revamped Web site, featuring an interactive platform where customer feedback is as easy as a click of the mouse. This one-stop site will allow users to learn about the company's corporate brands, search an extensive product database, find a distributor near them, and sign up for the newest feature — “My Jackson.” This tool is available for users to download electronic versions of literature, high-resolution product photos, view latest promotions, and request samples and literature pieces, according to the company.

From MCR Safety (800-955-6887 or is the Luminator series of Class II high-visibility vests. The series features Velcro adjustable side straps with reflective stripes. Construction includes mesh polyester vest with two-inch silver strip centered over a three-inch orange strip, MCR said, adding that it has soft polyester black binding on fluorescent lime background for additional contrast and maximum visibility.

From Mine Safety Appliances Co. (800-MSA-INST or is the Galaxy® automated test system for the Orion® Plus multigas detector. This system features versatility and ease of use, making it the perfect choice for managing the Orion plus multigas detector and other MSA gas-detection equipment, MSA said, adding that it operates automatically and requires minimal user training.

From OccuNomix International LLC (631-474-0071 or are the:

  • TJYO high-visibility utility jacket, which has seven pockets for convenience. The two-toned jacket maximizes conspicuity with contrasting bright high-visibility yellow and orange polyester oxford polyurethane fabric, the company said, adding that the full back keeps the wearer warmer, while the upper-chest wind flaps offer added breathability.

  • Line of rugged, high-visibility jackets based on the popular classic bomber jacket (TJBJ) to wear through the fall and winter. The ANSI Class 3 TJBJ2 has all the features of the original TJBJ with added conspicuity with its orange fabric backing 3M Scotchlite reflective material.

From True North Gear (800-873-5725 or is the Heads Up chest-mounted hydration system, which is designed for situations where back-mounted hydration packs or water bottles are not practical, such as working in a HAZMAT suit. The hands-free system has a moldable drink tube that allows the user to position it within easy reach of the mouth for a quick drink without using the hands.


(Look for fall protection from ISEA members that meets ANSI/ASSE Z359.1-2007, Safety Requirements for Personal Fall Arrest Systems, Subsystems and Components; ANSI/ASSE Z359.3-20007, Safety Requirements for Positioning and Travel Restraint Systems, and ANSI/ASSE Z359.4-2007, Safety Requirements for Assisted-Rescue and Self-Rescue Systems, Subsystems and Components)…

From Capital Safety (800-328-6146 or, home of the DBI-SALA and PROTECTA brands of fall protection, are the:

  • Arc Flash Kit as a packaged compliance kit for those needing fall protection in arc-flash environments. The kit includes a Delta II arc flash full-body harness and an EZ-Stop® II arc flash shock-absorbing lanyard. The harness and lanyard meet ASTM F887-05, ANSI Z351.1 and OSHA standards, the company said, adding that both kit components are housed in a traveling bag.

  • Rollgliss® Rescue Kit, which the company describes as a safe, reliable and practical solution for the rescue of a worker suspended from height after a fall. The system is engineered with the inexperienced user in mind, allowing workers to perform emergency rescues in a timely and efficient manner without the use of complex knots or knives, Capital said, adding that the self-contained kit is light weight and portable and contains all the necessary components to perform a safe, efficient rescue.

  • “Fall Protection for Utility, Telecom and Municipalities” guide, which serves as a reference tool for fall protection and rescue, broken down by industry application, as well as a product catalog for equipment best suited for each application. The guide addresses various types of utility industry applications, including tower, pole and ladder climbing; bucket truck/aerial lift work; electrical/transformer work; plant/facility work; and confined-space entry.

From the Miller Division of Sperian Protection (800-873-5242 or, formerly Bacou-Dalloz, are the:

  • Line of arc-rated fall-protection products that meet stringent ASTM F887-05 arc-flash standards and are designed to protect workers from electric arc-flash and blast exposure when working at heights or in confined space applications near energized electrical sources. Featuring the Miller Revolution harness technology, the harnesses are available with DualTech webbing engineered with permanent flame-retardant properties, according to the company.

  • TechLine horizontal rope lifeline system kits, which are designed to meet the needs of construction safety by enabling workers to maintain 100-percent tie-off for continuous fall protection along the entire rope lifeline. One- and two-worker kits are available with 30- and 60-foot lifeline systems, according to Sperian, which added that other features include immediate and continuous worker attachment and one-person installation and handling.

  • Falcon self-retracting web lifelines (SRLs) with 16- and 20-foot working capacities. The product is the lightest (under three pounds; weight of base unit without carabiner) and most compact web-retractable lifeline on the market, the company said, adding that it is rated for up to a 400-pound worker, features a high-strength Technora® web lifeline, and meets all applicable OSHA, ANSI, CSA and CE requirements.

  • “Beyond the Standard — T.I.P.S. for Total Compliance” program, which addresses the new ANSI Z359-2007 standard and other important fall-protection considerations.

  • “Product Selection — ANSI Z359-2007 Compliant Products” guide, including lanyards, self-retracting lifelines, positioning assemblies, man-rated winches and related products that meet the new standard. These proof-tested products feature the new snap hooks and carabiners that meet the 3,600-pound standard.

From Mine Safety Appliances Co. (800-MSA-2222 or are removable concrete anchors, which are designed for concrete applications. Suitable for horizontal, vertical or overhead applications, these anchors are available in 5,000- and 10,000-pound versions. The 5K version is designed as a single-person anchor point for personal fall protection, while the 10K version is to be used in conjunction with temporary horizontal lifeline systems for up to two workers, the company said.


(Look for respiratory protection from ISEA members that is marked with the NIOSH logo, 42 CFR, Part 84)…

From Draeger Safety (800-615-5503 or is a new range of filtering facepiece respirators — the Dräger X-plore 1300 — with a focus on comfort and easier handling to meet end-user needs. Five different mask styles offer protection against solid and aerosol particulates in protection levels N95 and R95, the company said, adding that that the filtering facepieces are designed to aid sealing in the nose area.

From Moldex-Metric (800-421-0668 or is the 2200N95HV high-visibility N95 disposable respirator. The green color makes compliance checks easy and increases worker safety in high-traffic areas, Moldex said, adding that the Dura-Mesh® shell resists collapsing from hot and humid to regular conditions, increasing the usage life of the respirator. The molded nose bridge and soft foam nose cushion seals easily and comfortably without a metal nose band.

From Safety Equipment America (724-746-2033 or is SmallTalk, a device that enables respirator users to communicate freely without removing their respiratory protection. The device causes no holes or other damages to the mask and is not a permanent attachment, the company said, adding that it can be used with Sundström half- and full-face masks, as well as with full-face masks by S.E.A‥ The pocket-sized speaker clips to the breast pocket, belt or shoulder strap; the microphone snaps on to the respirator.

From SafetyTech International, Inc., (888-744-6462 or is the PureAir Bio Response Kit, which is a NIOSH-approved powered air purifying respirator (PAPR) system designed for compliance with OSHA's May 2007 guidance for health care workers and employers. The system is ideal for first receivers, hospital staff, EMS units and infectious disease units, the company said.


(Look for hand protection from ISEA members that meets ANSI/ISEA 105-2005 (American National Standard for Hand Protection Selection Criteria)…

From Best Manufacturing Co. (800-241-0323 or are five new products, as follows:

  • Nighthawk Defender, which is thicker for strength with extended coverage for added arm protection, with patented formulation that is suitable for jobs from the police force to the automotive and assembly markets.

  • DFlex® G4, which is designed to handle both wet and cut applications commonly found in the bottling industry. It also is ideal for metal stamping, appliances, assembly and roofing, Best said.

  • Zorb-IT® Extra, which is three-quarter dipped to provide over-the-knuckle protection with the same tough nylon shell as the original Zorb-IT glove. It is engineered to deliver a sure grip in the most difficult oily, greasy conditions, Best said.

  • Skinny Dip® Select, which is ideal for construction, being constructed with sturdy, ergonomic knit liners and tough, longwearing rubber coatings, the company said.

  • Best Nitrile 8500 PF, which is twice as thick as Best's original Best Nitrile 7500 glove, and is designed for tough jobs that require a disposable glove. It is eight mils thick and powder free, and is medically approved for basic applications in healthcare and dentistry.

From MCR Safety (800-955-6887 or are Ninja Max gloves, which have a coated palm and fingertips, and a 10-gauge blend of Dyneema® and synthetic yarn shell. The coating combines durability and softness, and the gloves are treated to kill bacteria, the company said, adding that applications include the automotive, glass, injection molding, metal fabrication and transportation industries.


(Look for hearing protection devices from ISEA members that are labeled according to the U.S. EPA Noise Reduction Rating (NRR), 40 CFR, Part 211)…

From Sonomax Hearing Healthcare (877-SONOMAX or is the EARfit validation system. For years, safety professionals have depended on the Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) label on a hearing protector as their guide to its effectiveness. However, studies have proven that these laboratory-determined NRR protection levels can be significantly different than those in the field. On the other hand, the EARfit system test process can determine who is getting what protection with what protector, the company said.

From Sperian Hearing Safety Group (800-430-5490 or, formerly Bacou-Dallloz, are:

  • Bilsom's® AM-FM radio high-visibility earmuff to improve worker motivation and overall protection. Bright green earcups and a reflective headband provide clear visibility day or night. The muffs provide superior AM/ FM sound, while their light weight design and unique headband provide comfort, the company said, adding that the listening volume does not exceed 83 decibels.

  • A Sound Source bulletin that addresses whether standard earplugs or earmuffs protect against ultra-high frequencies such as the piercing noise of an ultrasonic welder or ultra-low frequencies such as the deep rumble of a turbine. Sound Source #12 is available free from the website.


(Look for products from ISEA members that are marked and certified to ANSI Z89.1-2003 American National Standard for Industrial Head Protection, ANSI Z358.1-2004 American National Standard for Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment, and ANSI Z87,1-2003 American National Standard for Occupational and Educational Personal Eye and Face Protection Devices)…

From Bullard (800-827-0423 or, the company that invented the hard hat, is the Classic hard hat and cap, featuring an upgraded suspension with easy-lock snaps, improved FlexGear® ratchet design and enhanced replaceable brow pad, the company said, adding that this product presents a significant advancement in worker comfort.

From Jackson Safety (636-717-6600 or are the:

  • Elite fashion safety eyewear, which provides a bold, refined style with casual flair, the company said. The wide temple design gives a comfortable fit with structural integrity and stability. The dual lenses prevent image distortion and feature an eight-base curve that provides wrap-around protection, Jackson said, adding that high-performance polycarbonate lens provides 99.9 percent UV protection and exceeds the high-impact level of the ANSI Z87.1+ standard.

  • Equalizer life-style eyewear, which has a sport frame design and provides optimal vision, outstanding comfort, functionality for work, and is ideal for those who enjoy dynamic and extreme sports, the company said. Soft rubber nose pads provide a superior fit and comfort, and dual lenses provide wrap-around protection, Jackson said.

From MCR Safety (800-955-6887 or are two new styles — the Tribal and Tribal V — added to the company's line of professional-grade eyewear. Both feature non-slip gel temple sleeves for a comfortable fit that grips, the company said, adding that other features include a sleek dual-lens design, hybrid temples, and a gel-padded nose piece. Multiple frame colors and a wide offering of lens color options are available for both styles.

From North Safety Products (800-430-4110 or is the line of premium-quality, Fibre-Metal FMX welding helmets. The helmets feature an ADF lens with two-year warranty, are the lightest-weight, full-size helmets available, a pliable headband contours to the head comfortably, and an overhead band provides multiple adjustments and helps position the glass holder, North said, adding that teams of master welders from around the country helped create the new design.

From Speakman (800-537-2107 or is the SE-599 Personal Wash Station, which the company said is the perfect protection for workers in locations where portability requirements prohibit the use of a plumbed or gravity-fed eyewash. Offering eight times the flushing capacity of a conventional squeeze bottle, the SE-599 allows a worker who is exposed to hazardous materials in a remote location a better opportunity to reach an ANSI-compliant eyewash in a reasonable amount of time.

Protection Update Seeks Stories About Life- and Cost-saving Programs

Protection Update seeks stories from safety specialists giving examples about how their safety equipment programs have prevented injuries, saved lives and saved their organizations' money. If you have a story to tell, contact Editor Joe Walker at 703-525-1695 or [email protected]. If you send an email, please provide your telephone number. Protection Update will write the stories for future issues based upon your experiences.

Order Complete Set of ANSI/ISEA Standards And ISEA Product-use Guides at Deep Discount

ISEA is offering a complete set of its American National Standards, including the new American National Standard for Public Safety Vests (ANSI/ISEA 207-2006), and ISEA use and selection guides at 30 percent off the price of purchasing the publications individually. For $290 plus $10 handling and shipping, safety officers can get all the following publications in a convenient three-ring binder:

  • American National Standard for Limited-Use and Disposable Coveralls - Size and Labeling Requirements, ANSI/ISEA 101-1996 (R2002)

  • American National Standard for Gas Detector Tubes - Short Term Type for Toxic Gases and Vapors in Working Environments, ANSI/ISEA 102-1990 (R2003)

  • American National Standard for Air Sampling Devices - Diffusive Type for Gases and Vapors in Working Environments, ANSI/ISEA 104-1998 (R2003)

  • American National Standard for Hand Protection Selection Criteria, ANSI/ISEA 105-2005

  • American National Standard for High-Visibility Safety Apparel and Headwear, ANSI/ISEA 107-2004

  • American National Standard for Air Purifying Respiratory Protective Escape Devices, ANSI/ISEA 110-2003

  • American National Standard for Occupational and Educational Personal Eye and Face Protection Devices, ANSI Z87.1-2003

  • American National Standard for Industrial Head Protection, ANSI Z89.1-2003

  • American National Standard - Minimum Requirements for Workplace First Aid Kits, ANSI Z308.1-2003

  • American National Standard for Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment, ANSI Z358.1-2004

  • American National Standard for High-Visibility Public Safety Vests, ANSI/ISEA 207-2006

  • Eye and Face Protection Use and Selection Guide

  • Use and Selection Guide for Personal Fall Protection Equipment

  • Use and Selection Guide for Non-Powered Air Purifying Particulate Respirators

Download an order form at

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