OSHA will welcome the American Ref-Fuel Semass waste-to-energy facility located in Rochester, Mass., into its STAR Voluntary Protection Program at a ceremony being held Thursday.
According to Ruth McCully, OSHA''s New England Regional Administrator in Boston, the Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) are designed to recognize and promote effective safety and health management.
In the VPP, management, labor and OSHA work together at a workplace that has already implemented a strong safety and health program.
McCully stressed that VPP participants are a select group of facilities that have designed and implemented outstanding health and safety programs.
In addition, STAR participants must meet all the stringent VPP requirements.
The American Ref-Fuel Semass plant has operated since 1989 and converts more than one million tons of garbage per year into electricity to meet the needs of an estimated 75,000 homes, while recovering nearly 40,000 tons of metal for re-use.
The facility employs approximately 195 workers. It is noted for having a three-year injury incident rate (1997 to 199) that is 56 percent below their industry average.
by Virginia Sutcliffe