America's Safest Companies: Building a Culture of Responsibility
Occupational Hazards, the magazine of safety, health and loss prevention (which recently was rebranded as EHS Today), is proud to announce that 18 companies have been named to the 2008 list of America's Safest Companies. Together, these companies provide a safe working environment for nearly 275,000 employees.
America's Safest Companies, founded in 2002 by Occupational Hazards, a Penton Media Inc. publication, is a corporate award honoring the safest companies in the United States. This year’s list of America’s Safest Companies includes Blythe Construction Inc., The Boldt Company, D&E Communications Inc., Green Mountain Communications Inc., Herman Miller Inc., Koch Pipeline Company, Marous Brothers Construction Inc., Monroe Litho Inc., The Mundy Companies, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, OMG Electronic Chemicals, Raytheon Company, Roche Diagnostics Corporation, Strick Corporation, Sunbelt Rentals Inc., Textron Inc., The Washington Division of the URS Corporation and Worthington Industries. Representatives from the 2008 America’s Safest Companies will receive their awards at a champagne reception tonight at Catal Restaurant in Anaheim, California.
To be considered one of America's Safest Companies, organizations must demonstrate: support from management and employee involvement; innovative solutions to safety challenges; injury and illness rates lower than the average for their industries; comprehensive training programs; evidence that prevention of incidents is the cornerstone of the safety process; good communication about the value of safety; and a way to substantiate the benefits of the safety process.
”The 2008 America's Safest Companies honorees represent not only outstanding achievement domestically, but prove that one of our most valuable exports is the knowledge and will to conduct safe operations globally. If there were an Olympics held for safety, these companies would all deserve gold medals," said Stephen Minter, publisher of Occupational Hazards.
The sponsors of America's Safest Companies – Gold Sponsor MCR Safety and Silver Sponsor PureSafety – are to be commended for their commitment to promoting safe work environments and for their support in recognizing the country's safest workplaces. A big thank-you from Occupational Hazards to our sponsors, and congratulations to the 2008 America's Safest Companies!