Loy said it was necessary after the terrorist attacks of 9/11 to transform military capabilities, adapt to a new enemy and rely more heavily on U.S. partners worldwide. This is an enemy, he said, without a flag, national borders or a president to lead it.
In a speech prepared for delivery at the Royal United Services Institute in London, Loy said strong global partnerships are among the most valuable tools in fighting terrorism because they "knit us ever closer together and eliminate gaps our enemies could otherwise exploit."
Successfully combating the scourge of terrorism requires "the willingness and cooperation of all freedom-loving nations to see that task through to completion," he added. The multinational problem of terrorism requires a multi-pronged approach including assets such as diplomacy, intelligence and law enforcement.
He also said it will require military engagement to disrupt the financial networks that fuel terrorism as well as the terrorists' ability to recruit supporters. "We must enlist stronger collaboration and cooperation, and improved information-sharing, both within nations and between them. We must investigate and prosecute. We must use every available tool to repel those shadow soldiers."