Doskocil Food Service Co., South Hutchinson, Ks., was issued citations for safety violations with a proposed penalty of $141,300.
Charles E. Adkins, OSHA regional administrator, said an inspection was conducted in response to a report of serious injuries to an employee.
The accident occurred when the employee's clothing became entangled in a conveyor being cleaned. The employee suffered cuts, scrapes and contusions.
Doskocil was cited for failing to utilize lockout/tagout energy control procedures prior to servicing and maintaining equipment; inadequate employee training; and inadequate written control procedures, inspection certification and machine guarding.
According to Adkins, OSHA conducted four previous inspections at the establishment.
The company processes meat for pizza toppings with approximately 350 employees at the Hutchinson facility and 6,300 employees company-wide.
Doskocil has 15 working days from receipt of the citations and proposed penalties to either comply with them or contest them.