"Changes in technology and work processes over the past 30 years call for new, revised crane and derrick safety requirements," said John Henshaw, assistant secretary of labor for Occupational Safety and Health.
The existing rule (29 CFR 1926.550) dates back to 1971, and was based in part on industry consensus standards from 1967 to 1969.
The agency expects that work zone control; crane operations near power lines; qualifications of individuals who operate, maintain, repair and assemble cranes and derricks; and requirements for fail-safe operation, warnings and other safety-related devices and technologies will be addressed during the rulemaking process.
With publication of its intent to enter into negotiated rulemaking - scheduled for today's Federal Register - OSHA outlines the basic procedures involved in forming a negotiated rulemaking advisory committee to develop a draft proposed rule, identifies the stakeholders who may be affected, solicits nominations for committee members and ask for public comments regarding any aspect of the negotiated rulemaking process. Comments will be accepted for 60 days following the Federal Register notice.