Fourteen states with non-AEA sites Arizona, California, Iowa, Kentucky, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, Washington and Wyoming will exercise jurisdiction over private contractors at a number of non-AEA facilities and operations in their states. Most of the sites in these states are administration facilities and are operated by the Bonneville Power Administration, the Southeastern Power Administration and the Western Area Power Administration. One site the Naval Petroleum Reserve in California concerns fossil fuel energy research.
In July of 2000, OSHA announced that the agency would assume jurisdiction over private-sector employers and employees at the DOE sites in states with approved state plans until it was determined whether any of the states would exercise jurisdiction.
Federal employees and employees of those private-sector companies that operate these facilities under contract to DOE remain subject to federal OSHA jurisdiction. In addition, this document provides notice that federal OSHA will retain its jurisdiction at certain non-AEA sites in the state-plan states of New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Virginia and Wyoming.