Pennsylvanians Urged to Include Emergency Preparedness in New Year's Resolutions
"We want Pennsylvanians to take time to prepare emergency kits, as well as family and business plans before an emergency happens," said French. "Emergencies can be short inconveniences or long-term disasters. Planning ahead can provide peace of mind that your family and loved ones will know what to do, where to go, and will be able to sustain themselves for at least three days in a disaster. Advanced planning will also increase your business' ability to survive and recover."
By using the tools available at, individuals and business owners can learn how they can be informed, be prepared and be involved.
The Web site, which was unveiled during National Preparedness Month in September, outlines 10 potential emergencies that Pennsylvanians may face so that citizens can learn more about them and how to respond appropriately. Downloadable materials, including home and car emergency kit checklists and emergency plan templates, are available. The site also includes information about getting involved in local emergency response efforts and other volunteer opportunities.
ReadyPA is a statewide campaign aimed at motivating Pennsylvanians to take action to prepare for a disaster. ReadyPA is modeled after the proven national Ready campaign created by the Ad Council and U.S. Department of Homeland Security in 2003 and focuses on educating citizens so that they are better prepared for disasters. The campaign is supported by Pennsylvania Citizen Corps, the Pennsylvania Department of Health and volunteer organizations. It seeks to coordinate a cohesive statewide program and a call to action regarding emergency preparedness.