In the presentation, speaker Peter H. Diamandis, M.D., chairman and CEO of The X PRIZE Foundation in San Francisco, challenged attendees to push beyond the boundaries of creative thinking toward new discoveries.
Diamandis believes that challenge, properly framed, can inspire and unleash progress toward eradicating the seemingly intractable grand obstacles of our time. His current goal is to use this proactive, competitive prize model to energize individuals to innovate technological breakthroughs in other areas including energy, genomics, nanotechnology, medicine and the social arena.
The opening session is just one in the event’s lineup of high-profile keynote speakers addressing topics such as innovative thinking, sustainability and nanotechnology. AIHce also includes dozens of conference, podium, roundtable and poster sessions. EHS Today editors are in Toronto to cover some of these educational sessions. Be sure to check the week of June 1 for their reporting from AIHce.
AIHce runs from May 30 to June 4 and is co-sponsored by American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH).