EHS Today Daily Update - Feb 26th, 2024
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EHS Today Daily Update

In The Spotlight
Over the past few years many companies have worked hard to identify and provide assistance  to employees on the issue of mental health. That's the first step. But the second part is for employees to speak up about having an issue.  That is a harder than it would seem as evidenced by a a recent meQuilibrium (meQ) study of frontline...
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Millions of people worldwide are dying on the job every year, and it’s only getting worse.

Everything you need to know about OSHA-compliant occupational hearing testing programs. Whether you are interested in bringing your program in-house, or a service provider looking to expand your offering, this free ebook will answer all your questions.

Here are new technologies, and new ways to leverage existing technologies, to improve communication, compliance, operations and morale.
A new survey says 17% would sacrifice pay for safety.
"Inequalities leave some workers more at risk to injury, discrimination, exploitation, or abuse,." says Labor Secretary Julie Su.
Editor's Choice
"EHS&S is driving shareholder value in setting and supporting ESG goals and strategies," says Nicole Wilkinson of NAEM.