EHS Today Daily Update - Feb 27th, 2024
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EHS Today Daily Update

In The Spotlight
High-tech tools and an emphasis on individual learning are improving the effectiveness of safety training.
Top Stories

See how 1,000 of your peers rate their EHS programs. How does your industry stack up and are you prepared?

The Phenix Lumber Company is cited for second employee fatality in three years.

Everything you need to know about OSHA-compliant occupational hearing testing programs. Whether you are interested in bringing your program in-house, or a service provider looking to expand your offering, this free ebook will answer all your questions.

Here are new technologies, and new ways to leverage existing technologies, to improve communication, compliance, operations and morale.
In 2022, 45% of construction workers were 45 and older.
Around 1/3 of adults with mental illness are not receiving necessary treatment, says Mental Health America.
Gain an overview of the model building codes used in the U.S. and a description of the three-step process that ensures accurate classification. Highlights of case studies involving modern high-technology materials will be featured.
Editor's Choice
National COSH singles out 12 companies whose workplace conditions have earned them a spot on the "Dirty Dozen" list.