Bulwark Offers Free FR Clothing to Electrical and Oil Workers in Moore, OK
Saying that “the tragedy in Oklahoma made us heartsick,” Bulwark has launched an offer for those affected by the tornados in Oklahoma. The company has partnered with five distributors and is offering free FR protective clothing to electrical and oil workers in Moore that may have lost their workwear.
On its blog, the company noted: “Bulwark has been serving the roughnecks, fuel haulers and refinery workers of the oil and gas industry for over four decades. And nowhere is our story more entwined with theirs than in this remarkable – and resilient – part of the country. Many of those impacted are friends, or folks that distribute, buy and wear our clothes. All weigh heavily on our mind.
"Come Monday, Oklahoma will need to go back to work … The last thing we want them worrying about is: ‘Do they have the safety gear required to work?’ [or] ‘Can they afford to replace the gear they lost?’ We can help with that.”
For the next few weeks, Bulwark will provide free FR for those workers directly impacted by the tragedy in Moore, Okla. Workers are asked reach out to the Bulwark distributors listed on the Bulwark blog and the company will take it from there.
Bulwark also is extending the offer to electrical utility workers descending on Moore to help in reconstruction and relief. Many of these crews are hundreds of miles from home and may get caught short on FR. “We’ll lend a hand there, too,” promised the company.