"This milestone could not have been realized without each and every employee doing their part to ensure 10,000 percent compliance," said Kim Penner, KPL president. "This achievement underscores our employees are fully committed to working safely every day."
KPL was named one of America's Safest Companies in 2008 by EHS Today magazine. To receive this honor, companies must demonstrate support from management and employee involvement; innovative solutions to safety challenges; comprehensive training programs; and evidence that prevention of incidents is the cornerstone of the safety process.
Also in 2008, the American Petroleum Institute recognized KPL employees' commitment to working safely with the Occupational Safety Performance Award, its top safety award for large pipeline operators. The award is for the lowest OSHA recordable incident rate for both employers and contractors, and requires an operator to have documented safety requirements and performance criteria.
The company earned a number of additional local, regional and national safety awards in 2008:
• Award of Honor, Occupational Excellence Achievement and Certificate of Merit awards, National Safety Council
• Outstanding Safety Excellence, Iowa-Illinois Safety Council
• Award of Honor, Minnesota Safety Council
• Outstanding Achievement Certificate for Excellence, and Certificate of Safety Excellence, Wisconsin Safety Council
• Certificate of Recognition – Zero LTIs, Certificate of Recognition – Zero OSHA recordables, American Petroleum Institute
• Safety Excellence Award – Owner and Safety Excellence Award – Contractor, South Texas Industrial Industry
• Star of Excellence, VPP Region VI, OSHA