The NFL and American Heart Association are launching a new program – Back to Sports – to encourage the safe participation of youth in sports.
The program is designed to get children involved in athletics, but in a safe manner.
“My kids are playing team sports, and you can hear the dialogue among moms that sports safety is a huge concern, no matter what the sport,” said Kim Stitzel, AHA’s senior vice president of preventive health. “Ultimately, we want to help keep kids safe and healthy while playing the sports they love.”
Through the program, certified athletic trainers will receive grants to fund up to 100 community events across the country for coaches and parents of grade school students.
The events will take place during the 2015-2016 school year and cover: proper hydration, prevention of overuse injuries, treating concussions and heat exposure, and giving CPR to victims of cardiac arrest.
Trainers will discuss who is at risk, signs and symptoms and how parents should handle suspected injuries, as well as nutrition and healthy snack options.