What do Dubai, the Grand Canyon, Cozumel, New Orleans, Morocco and Washington, D.C. have in common? They’ve all received a visit from Total Safety’s Commitment Coin.
Total Safety, a 2012 America’s Safest Companies winner, encourages each employee to carry a Commitment Coin as a reminder of the company’s dedication to ensuring the well-being of workers worldwide. Not only have Total Safety workers embraced the Commitment Coin, they show it off wherever they go and proudly send their photographic evidence back to Total Safety.
The result? The Commitment Coin hovering at the edge of the Grand Canyon, accompanying a worker into confined space training, rubbing shoulders with American Idol contestants or pro sports players, snorkeling in Cozumel and more. An entire page on Total Safety’s intranet is dedicated to the adventures of the traveling Commitment Coins.
“The Commitment Coin is heavy enough that if you’re carrying it, you have a physical reminder to stay safe,” Stenning Schueppert, Total Safety’s senior vice president of strategy, marketing and corporate development, told EHS Today. “That has evolved quickly to almost a viral photographic journey of the Commitment Coin around the world. People are proud to take their photo with the safety coin.”
View a sampling of Total Safety employees’ adventures with their Commitment Coins below. Perhaps these photos will encourage your company to embrace a visible commitment to safety:
Below: The Total Safety Commitment Coin travels to Dubai.
Below: The Commitment Coin at Ground Zero in New York City.
Below: The Commitment Coin catches a ride in Morocco.
Below: Commitment cannot be confined at Total Safety, even in confined space training.
Below: Don't look down! The Commitment Coin stands at the edge of the Grand Canyon.
Below: Our nation's capital is the perfect place to foster a commitment to safety.
Below: Swinging for safety on the golf course.
Below: Parading the Commitment Coin around New Orleans.
Below: Honoring veterans through a commitment to safety.
Below: Taking the plunge for safety in Cozumel.