OSHA will now offer a total of $10.5 million in grant funding for nonprofit organizations including community and faith-based organizations, employer associations, labor unions, joint labor/management associations, Indian tribes, and colleges and universities.
The Susan Harwood grant program supports the development of quality training and educational programs that focus on identifying and preventing workplace hazards. This includes workers and employers in small businesses; industries with high injury, illness and fatality rates; and vulnerable workers, who are underserved, have limited English proficiency or are temporary workers.
Three different grants will fund training and education for workers and employers to help them identify and prevent workplace safety and health hazards.
The Targeted Topic Training grants require applicants to address the occupational safety and health hazards designated by OSHA in the grant announcement. Training and Educational Materials Development grants support the development of quality classroom-ready training and educational materials that focus on identifying and preventing workplace hazards.
Capacity Building grants support organizations in developing new ability for conducting occupational safety and health training programs. An organization may apply for one of two Capacity Building grants: Capacity Building Pilot or Capacity Building Developmental grants. Capacity Building pilot grants assist organizations in assessing their training development needs as they formulate a capacity-building plan before moving forward with a full-scale safety and health education program. Capacity Building Developmental grants focus on developing new capacity of an organization to provide safety and health training and education. Capacity Building Developmental grant recipients will have the opportunity to continue building their new capacity with up to three additional 12-month follow-on grants, based on satisfactory performance.
Learn more about the funding announcement and register to apply at Grants.gov. Harwood applications must be submitted online no later than 11:59 p.m. EDT on Sunday, Sept. 2, 2018.