Researchers: Supervisors’ “Seven Deadly Sins” Affect Worker Health, Productivity

Dec. 7, 2010
In recent years, the American workplace has been infused with unprecedented levels of hostility, largely due to the deterioration of supervisor-subordinate trust, according to Florida State University researchers.

To better understand this deteriorating relationship, Wayne Hochwarter, the Jim Moran Professor of Business Administration in Florida State’s College of Business, and research associate Christian Ponder asked more than 750 mid-level employees to report how often they personally experienced their direct supervisor’s “seven deadly sins,” which include wrath/anger, greed, laziness/sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony, at work.

“We choose these particular behaviors because they have an established history, are familiar to people in both religious and secular settings and are documented to strain interpersonal relationships at work,” Hochwarter explained.

Key findings surrounding malevolent supervisor behaviors include:

  • Wrath – 26 percent of employees said their boss frequently has trouble managing his or her anger;
  • Greed – 27 percent of employees said their boss vigorously pursues undeserved rewards;
  • Laziness – 41 percent of employees said their boss habitually pushes work on to others rather than doing it himself or herself;
  • Pride – 31 percent of employees said their boss regularly seeks undeserved admiration from others at work;
  • Lust – 33 percent of employees said their boss makes sure that others stroke his or her ego on a daily basis;
  • Envy – 19 percent of employees said their boss can be counted on to act enviously toward others who experience good things; and
  • Gluttony – 23 percent of employees said that their boss purposefully hoards resources that could be useful to others at work.

The most frequently reported leader behaviors across genders, industry sectors and levels of responsibility were pride and laziness. Results indicated a variety of negative employee outcomes associated with supervisors’ aberrant behavior, including impaired work productivity and poorer heath.

“Employees with leaders who committed these ‘sins’ contributed less effort (40 percent less), felt overloaded as a result of forced responsibility for their supervisor’s work (33 percent more), were less likely to make creative suggestions (66 percent less) and received fewer resources to effectively do their job (60 percent less) than those without this negative type of leadership,” Ponder said.

In addition, victims of supervisors’ self-serving behavior spent considerably more time at work (75 percent more) pursuing alternative job opportunities.

In terms of deteriorating health, victimized workers experienced more daily anxiety (50 percent more), less happiness in life (30 percent less), more physical and emotional exhaustion (45 percent more) and more gloominess while on the job (62 percent more).

According to the researchers, the good news is that there still are more considerate managers than selfish ones. However, it is evident that recession-based uncertainty has encouraged many business leaders to pursue self-serving behaviors at the expense of those that are considered mutually beneficial or supportive of organizational goals.

“It is always interesting to see how people react when they feel that their backs are against the wall,” Ponder said. “Some leaders try to rally the troops, while others decide to go it alone to safeguard what they feel they have.” Perhaps when the recession fully lifts and job environments become more stable, leaders will focus on employee development rather than self-preservation, he added.

Employees at all supervisory levels, however, must develop the skills to peacefully co-exist. “The consequences of not doing so are increasingly fatal for organizations,” Hochwarter stressed.

In the words of a 43-year-old accountant who participated in the study, “When it comes to my boss, what’s his is his, and what’s mine is his as well. Actually, what I really mean is that all that is good is his and all that is bad and stressful is mine; this drives me crazy to the point of giving up.”

About the Author

Laura Walter

Laura Walter was formerly senior editor of EHS Today. She is a subject matter expert in EHS compliance and government issues and has covered a variety of topics relating to occupational safety and health. Her writing has earned awards from the American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE), the Trade Association Business Publications International (TABPI) and APEX Awards for Publication Excellence. Her debut novel, Body of Stars (Dutton) was published in 2021.

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