
The latest occupational health news and workplace health management information, research and best practices, with coverage including ergonomics and musculoskeletal disorders, workplace wellness, occupational health, obesity and more.


173790764 © Michalsuszycki |

Trauma-Awareness is a Workplace Necessity

July 17, 2024
PTSD is becoming all-too-common in the workplace, but here are some suggestions on how to help employees deal with it.
Report Addresses Mental  Health Issues in Construction

Report Addresses Mental Health Issues in Construction

March 5, 2024
Construction workers have the highest rates of death from drug overdoses, especially opioids including heroin and fentanyl.
182051208 © Oleg Chizhov | Dreamstime
Safety Leadership

When End-of-Shift Means End-of-Life

Feb. 23, 2024
Millions of people worldwide are dying on the job every year, and it’s only getting worse.
681183 © Tdoes1 | Dreamstime
EHS OutLoud Blog

Stress Management, Fixing ESG and Moving Slowly: What We're Reading This Week

Feb. 2, 2024
A look at some environmental, wellness and well-being news of note.
141855651 © Andrii Yalanskyi | Dreamstime

5 Ways to Protect Employees from Workplace Violence

Feb. 1, 2024
The workplace is becoming an increasingly dangerous environment for employees, so it’s more important than ever to have a plan to keep them safe.


EBook Library & Digital Editions

2024 Guide to Construction Safety

June 7, 2024
Everything you need to know to keep workers safe, from working at heights, to summer heat to mental fitness.
151771038 © Tero Vesalainen | Dreamstime
Illustration 170794731 © Julien Tromeur | Dreamstime
Safety Technology

Using AI to Take a Systems Thinking Approach to Ergonomic Risk Assessments

Oct. 26, 2023
The next frontier of workplace safety requires taking a holistic view, especially in ergonomics, a process made possible by the advancements in artificial intelligence safety ...
#157619092 © Artur Szczybylo | Dreamstime
Employer Strategies for Health Programs for 2024

Employer Strategies for Health Programs for 2024

Oct. 17, 2023
A majority of companies are making enhancements to their health and well-being offerings in 2024 according to a Mercer survey.
#67626966 © Chrischrisw | Dreamstime
Using Technology to Reduce MSK Injuries
Safety Leadership

Using Technology to Reduce Musculoskeletal Disorders

Oct. 11, 2023
A new report from NSC references two dozen academic publications to assess the benefits of the most common emerging safety technologies: