Workplace Culture: Women Trump Men in Long Hours, Compensation Satisfaction and Honesty
“Job description and company Web sites only touch the very edge of the surface of a company's true culture. theFIT is designed to eliminate the mystery by revealing workplace cultural traits you could never discover unless you worked for the company,” said Art Papas, CEO of Bullhorn Inc., which developed theFIT. “Gender differences are just one of many cultural aspects we’ll be reporting on in an effort to break through the artificial walls of workplace culture.”
Key findings of the study, which included responses from more than 5,000 employees, include:
- Women work more; 54 percent of women report working 9 or more hours a day, compared to 41 percent of men
- Although the majority of respondents (91 percent) confine their working hours to 5 days each week, almost half (47 percent) claim to work more than 8 hours each day.
- On vacation, most workers (65 percent) do some amount of work.
- However, women (67 percent) are slightly more willing to work on their vacations than men (60 percent).
- A very strong majority (84 percent) of all employees report that they were “actually sick or caring for a sick child” the last time they called in sick.
The Report on Workplace Culture is a survey of full-time working professionals (age 18+) in major U.S. metropolitan areas. The survey was conducted Dec. 15-18, 2011, and included questions about workplace satisfaction, workplace culture and workplace fit. Respondents for the survey were screened by city, age and current employment status, with 5,250 respondents completing the survey.