While working mothers may face hectic schedules, they also reap benefits that go beyond a simple paycheck: feeling like strong, empowered role models for their children; feeling that work makes them more creative parents (40 percent); and even increased productivity (29 percent). The majority of working mothers also reported support from home, and 64 percent said they don't feel the demands of work interferes with their ability to be a good parent.
The news isn't all roses, however – the survey also revealed that 73 percent of companies that employ working mothers do not offer any child care benefits. Only 18 percent offer flex-spending accounts; 6 percent provide onsite child care, 5 percent offer emergency back-up care; and 4 percent subsidize child care.
Not having those benefits can have a big impact in the workplace: according to the survey, 39 percent of working moms had to miss work during the last year because of childcare issues.
"This survey makes it clear that much still needs to be done in the workplace to support [working moms] in motherhood," said Katie Bugbee, Managing Editor of Care.com. "Women now hold more than half of the entry-level jobs at American blue-chip companies. According to the 2011 White House Report on Women, women will account for nearly 60 percent of total undergraduate enrollment by 2019. When nearly 40 percent of the female work force has to miss work because of a childcare issue, the productivity loss is felt on the bottom line."
The online Care.com survey polled 1,000 women who have children under 18, are employed and are living in private American households.