Safety 2016


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Safety Leadership Conference 2015

SLC 2015: Keeping Employees Healthy and at Work

Oct. 27, 2015
At Sumna, the transitional work program brought $130,000 in savings last year. Of 36 lost time claims, 23 employees returned to full work within 90 days.
There attributes that EHS professionals can adopt that will help them communicate better with the Csuite and be perceived as corporate leaders and innovators
Safety Leadership

Safety 2015: What CEOs Want From Safety

June 15, 2015
Safety professionals need to know their stuff, said Mark Hansen, but a smile, confidence, hustle and a vision for the company's future can go a long way in creating corporate ...
Safety Leadership

Safety 2015: The Oil and Gas Industry’s Death Problem

June 11, 2015
While there are more deaths in the oil and gas industry, overall the fatality rate is declining thanks to increased production and employment.
Adopt the ways of the Jedi says Shirzad Chamine and you39ll be a happier person and a better leader
Safety Leadership

Safety 2015: Positive Intelligence, CEOs and Jedi Mind Tricks

June 10, 2015
“Most men led lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” ~ Henry David Thoreau
Safety Leadership

Safety 2015: Interview with Bjorn Lomborg [Video]

June 10, 2015
In his keynote address “How to Make Your Efforts Count: Feeling Good v. Doing Good” at Safety 2015 in Dallas, author Bjorn Lomborg argued that the trick to creating effective ...