Environmental Education Foundation Offering Webcast Training on Mold Awareness
Jan. 13, 2005
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EEF's Webcast events offer participants a means of receiving training without leaving the comfort of their home or office. Participants pre-register with EEF and are given a password to be used on the day of the course. It is a live, instructor-led course in which the participants are encouraged to interact with the instructor, guest speaker and other participants. On the day the course is offered, participants log onto EEF's Web site and also call an 800 number to have access to the instructor and other participants.
"Our instructors are industry-recognized experts," EFF Executive Director Troy Johnson said. "In addition, guest speakers from state and federal regulatory agencies often participate in the program."
Clients expect industrial hygienists to be aware of the latest scientific and regulatory information. Also, since many insurers and financial institutions are interested in knowing if borrowers have an operations and maintenance plan in place prior to issuing policies or approval of a loan, it is important that industrial hygienists be conscious of new developments in air quality and mold-related issues.
EEF is offering a discount to participants who are trying to satisfy continuing education requirements. EEF members get special rates on all course offerings.
CIHs and CIAHs interested in participating in the "Mold Awareness and Water Intrusion -- Developing an Operation and Maintenance Plan" Webcast Webcast should contact Emma Chastain by phone at (480) 659-9356 or via e-mail at [email protected].
EEF is a 501(c) 3 charitable organization dedicated to the development and dissemination of information regarding hazards to human health and threats to the environment with particular emphasis on hazards or threats that are associated with occupying, purchasing, insuring, selling or owning residential, commercial or industrial property; testing methodologies and procedures to detect such hazards and threats; and programs and measures that mitigate or eliminate such hazards.