We’ve all seen them – the zombies – shuffling down the hallway on their way to the office coffeemaker or into a conference room for a safety meeting or training session. We watch as they zone out, threatening to eat their own arms if lunch isn’t served soon.
It’s terrifying! But how much of a role do you play in creating those zombies?
Possibly more than you realize, according to Convergence Training’s Jeff Dalto, who asks in this blog post: “Is your safety training met with incoherent moaning, blank stares and open-mouthed drooling? You could be inadvertently turning your employees into ZOMBIES!”
The company has developed training videos that it claims will stop you from “adding to the zombie horde, but also may just save you from the pending Zombie Apocalypse,” says Dalto, who believes that workplace safety practices – particularly those related to bloodborne pathogens, personal protective equipment, flammables, emergency response plans, first aid and more – could come in handy when dealing with zombies in the workplace.
For example, bloodborne pathogens: “Zombies tend to be biters,” notes Dalto. “And we’re all familiar with the effects of a nasty zombie bite. So protect yourself from the Necro-Mortosis virus by avoiding those oozing contagions.”
Workplace safety practices “are effective tools to keep you from becoming one of the [un]dead,” he adds.
(The training videos from Convergence Training are real. Zombies...you decide! Happy April Fool's Day!)