
Qrcodeehsincident Dakota

QR Codes Simplify Reporting of EHS Incidents and Safety Observations

Feb. 22, 2022
Facility leaders and safety managers understand that hazards are present wherever and whenever work is being done. The art, and science, of safety management begins with the identificat...
Ehs Today Cover Image (1)

Why Safety Wearables Programs Fail & How We Fixed That

Feb. 7, 2022
The barrier to the effectiveness of wearables lies in the name.
Wearables For Injury Prevention

Wearables for Injury Prevention: Evidence of the Benefits of Short & Long-term Use

Nov. 12, 2021
Proof of how leading companies around the globe are weaving wearables into their processes and gaining clear injury prevention metrics.
Ehs Today Head Image

How Leading Companies Are Using AI Sensors for Safety

April 9, 2021
Predictive technology personalizing the safety of individual workers for proactive injury management.
Slice: Safety Handles and Safety Blades

Slice: Safety Handles and Safety Blades

March 20, 2018
The dangerous blade is ultimately what causes lacerations. Slice is the only company to offer safety handles and safety blades.
Health & Safety Institute
The Key to Integrated Compliance and Training

The Key to Integrated Compliance and Training

Oct. 6, 2017
Sponsored by Health & Safety Institute. A comprehensive new platform featuring product consolidation, accessibility, efficiency and affordability is designed to keep workplaces...