Industry Perspectives


Safety Leadership

Safety and Performance Excellence: New Beginnings

Jan. 31, 2017
Meeting safety goals is a delicate balance between objectives, strategy and expected performance.
Safety Leadership

Safety and Performance Excellence: BBS: Silver Bullet or Out-Dated Thinking?

Jan. 12, 2017
Is behavior-based safety a silver bullet, or one of several tools in your toolbox?
Safety Leadership

Safety and Performance Excellence: Who Owns Safety?

Dec. 5, 2016
It is human nature to take better care of that which we own. So should we create ownership in our safety efforts?
Safety Leadership

Safety and Performance Excellence: Leading Humans

Nov. 7, 2016
I feel the same way about leadership advice that Paul McCartney felt about silly love songs. You would think the world has had enough, but if you look around, you see it isn’t...
Safety Leadership

A Strong Safety Culture – No and Hell No!

Oct. 6, 2016
Focusing on building a strong safety culture may get you to average, but it won't get you to world-class safety excellence.
Training and Engagement

The War on Accidents

June 30, 2016
If organizations want to win, they need to have efforts parallel to those of the military - to accomplish their missions while minimizing employee injuries.
Safety Leadership

Special vs. Common Causation

June 1, 2016
Work processes are designed to produce products or services, not cause defects or injuries.
Safety Leadership

Culture Is the Cop-Out Culprit

April 28, 2016
Successful turnarounds don’t focus on fixing the blame but rather on fixing the problem(s).
Safety Leadership

The Alternative to Management by Exception

March 30, 2016
Rather than seeking out failures and poor performers, isn't it better to seek out successes and best performers and build on their models and successes?